Conversion Styles

Conversion styles define how campaign participants are paid out. We currently offer the following conversion styles, with more in the pipeline:


  1. Top-heavy: Inspired by a poker tournament, the top-heavy conversion style pays the majority of the bounty to the top-ranking campaign participants. 50% of the total bounty is paid out to #1, 50% of that to number 2, and so on.

  2. Linear: Provides a pro-rata distribution of campaign funds based on the relative score achieved by each campaign participant. A poster who earned 10% of the total scoring points of a campaign's epoch will get 10% of the epoch's budget.

  3. Custom: Allows campaign creators to design their own reward curve by specifying the percentage a rank earns from the epoch's budget.


The base-line reward option provides campaign creators additional options to steer the payout of campaign token rewards to participants. Base-line rewards can be combined with Competition style payouts. The traditional payout is triggered when the base-line is achieved.

  1. Max. CPM Bid: Allows campaign creator to define how many of their tokens they want to offer for 1,000 impressions. Example:

  • Max. CPM Bid = 20 USDC

  • Number of views on post = 2,000

  • Reward = 2 * 20 USDC = 40 USDC

When the budget < total number of impressions, the CPM bid gets scaled down. Example:

  • Total budget 500 USDC

  • Max. CPM bid = 20 USDC

  • Total impressions = 50,000

  • Scaled-Down CPM bid = 10 USDC [500 USDC = (50,000 / 1,000) * 10 USDC ]

  1. Minimum payout per participant: Defines a base compensation each participant will earn for submitting at least one content piece to a campaign's epoch.

Scoring Rules:

Can be added to each conversion style.

  1. Minimum impressions per Tweet: Defines a minimum number of impressions a submitted Tweet must achieve in an epoch to be eligible for a reward payout.

Last updated